
Shift Happens: Time to Transform

The Universe is not playing small right now. It’s time to stop shrugging with an “oh well, shit happens” attitude and step into the empowerment of “shift happens.” This is why I chose Kali as our Goddess of the month.

Kali, the fierce goddess of transformation, is here to help us burn away what’s holding us back. She’s the heat in the compost pile, fueling the alchemy of change.

Kali isn’t here for half-measures. She asks us to confront what’s lurking in our shadows and turn it into fuel for transformation.

We all have those parts of ourselves—old habits, outdated ways of thinking—that need alchemical change. Kali’s the fierce force that makes sure those shifts happen. She’s the goddess to call on when you’re ready to radically accept who you are and take the steps to fully show up in your life.

It’s not about making massive leaps but showing up for the small, incremental shifts that build real strength. These shifts can transform how you feel about yourself, bringing empowerment into every part of your life.

What clutter are we clearing out? Here are some small, practical ways to start making shift happen:

• Reduce your “go-to” comfort food: Not full elimination, just mindful awareness of how your carb or sugar bomb of choice is dulling your inner digestive flame—the source of your vitality.

• Commit to a weekly yoga class: Showing up on the mat makes you stronger in every area of life. Yoga empowers you to make better choices, both on and off the mat.

• Create space in your mind: Daily meditation or journaling helps clear mental clutter, allowing deeper insights to emerge and your inner power to shine through.

• Set boundaries in draining relationships: You don’t have to cut ties completely, but establishing limits gives you room to breathe and thrive, protecting your energy.

• Take a social media break: Disconnecting from digital noise, even briefly, can create space for real connection with yourself and others.

Kali’s power is fierce, but it’s not about perfection. It’s about being fully present in your life, facing what no longer serves you, and composting it into fuel for transformation. By working with Kali’s energy, we step into our power, allowing the shifts to happen instead of resisting them. When we clear the space, we make way for our badass, wise heart to lead us.

Step into the power of “shift happens.”