
Good Students Don’t Get it “Right”

Embracing the Critic and Becoming Life’s Best Student

This week, the inner critic might be particularly loud, echoing doubts like, “No, that didn’t work. No, you’re wrong. No, you didn’t do enough.” Whether this critic is internal or external, its presence is strong. But how do we navigate through this dense fog of negativity?

Adhikara: Being a Student of Life

In yoga, Adhikara refers to being a competent student. This concept encourages us to embrace our role as lifelong learners, especially when the critic is loudest. Instead of seeing mistakes as failures, we can view them as crucial lessons for growth.

Adhikara teaches us that being a good student isn’t about getting everything right; it’s about being curious, asking questions, and accepting mistakes as part of the learning process. These mistakes are essential—they’re the wisdom we need to digest and integrate.

Tara, the deity of our September series, embodies wisdom and compassion. She reminds us to meet our inner critic with the same care she offers, transforming criticism into opportunities for growth.

Mistakes as Pathways to Mastery

True confidence isn’t about avoiding mistakes but learning from them. Mastery is developed through trial and error, by being in tricky moments and saying, “I did that incorrectly, but now I know better. Let’s adjust and move forward.”

This week, let’s move beyond binary thinking—right vs. wrong—and focus on what we’re learning. Life is the teacher, and we are our own best students. We’re not striving for perfection; we’re striving to be the best learners by integrating lessons, asking questions, and embracing confusion.

Moving Forward with Compassion

As we navigate this week, let’s invoke Tara’s energy to soften our approach. Where could we be more direct? What are we afraid to lose if we’re honest? This is a time to sit with these questions and recognize that we’re all learning.

Let’s embrace this journey with the heart of a student, guided by Tara’s wisdom, knowing that every mistake is a stepping stone to greater growth and compassion.

May your Inner Critic take a well deserved Savasana,

Tiff 💕