
Darkness Reveals More Light

Full Moon Eclipse Meets Fall Equinox: A Tantric Path to Grounding Your Spiritual Vision

The cosmic forces of a Full Moon Eclipse aligned with the Fall Equinox offer us a potent opportunity to align with the dance of Anugraha (revelation) and Nigraha (concealment). In non-dual Tantra, these forces work together to unveil our deepest truths while still holding space for what’s not yet ready to emerge. During this time, the balance between light and shadow invites us to bring our spiritual visions into grounded reality.

As beings in what we might call “Earth School,” it’s essential to align ourselves with the rhythms of the cosmos. These celestial cycles are mirrors of our own internal processes, reminding us that spiritual growth happens through both revelation and patient concealment. By aligning with these larger energies, we attune ourselves to the flow of the universe, making our journey through life more harmonious and conscious.

The Dance of Anugraha and Nigraha

The Full Moon Eclipse reflects the play of Anugraha, the grace that reveals, and Nigraha, the power that conceals. This cosmic event invites you to reflect on your visions: What is being revealed to you, and what remains hidden, waiting for the right time to emerge?

The Fall Equinox, a time when day and night are in balance, mirrors this duality. It’s a reminder that in order to grow, we must honor both the clarity that comes with revelation and the mystery of concealment. The energy of the moon allows us to dream, while the grounding force of the equinox reminds us to take practical steps to root those dreams into reality.

Off the Mat: Aligning with Cosmic Wisdom

In life, we are always navigating between what is seen and what is still unfolding. As part of Earth School, it’s essential to recognize that both revelation and concealment are necessary for our growth.

Journaling Prompts: create space for both the light of awareness and the sacredness of what remains hidden.

• Anugraha (Revelation): What truths or insights are beginning to reveal themselves to me at this time? How can I open myself to the grace of these revelations?

• Nigraha (Concealment): What aspects of my life or dreams are still being concealed? How can I trust in the timing of their unfolding?

On the Mat: Embodying the Cosmic Dance

On the mat, we can embody the dance of Anugraha and Nigraha through movement and breath. In Anusara Yoga, we always begin by Opening to Grace—a direct connection to Anugraha, the flow of divine energy. Equally important is Nigraha, the containment that allows us to channel that energy inward, grounding our visions into reality.

Pose: Virabhadrasana III (Warrior III Pose)

This pose represents the balance of expansion and grounding. As you extend forward, reach for your dreams (Anugraha), while your standing leg roots you into the earth (Nigraha), holding space for what is yet to manifest. In this pose, feel both grace and strength working together to bring balance.

Pranayama: Nadi Shodhana for Inner Balance

(Alternate Nostril Breathing) This pranayama harmonizes the lunar and solar energies, helping you remain centered as you navigate the dynamic forces of revelation and concealment.

1. Inhale through the left nostril, close it, and exhale through the right.

2. Inhale through the right, close it, and exhale through the left.

3. Continue for several minutes, feeling the balance between the inner and outer worlds.

Conclusion: Living in Alignment with the Cosmos

As spiritual beings in Earth School, we are here to learn how to balance the cosmic and the earthly. The Full Moon Eclipse invites us to see the parts of ourselves that are ready for the light, while the Fall Equinox reminds us of the importance of grounding that insight in reality. By embracing both Anugraha and Nigraha, we align ourselves with the greater cosmic flow, deepening our journey of growth.

Reflect, breathe, and move in harmony with the universe. Let the grace of revelation guide you. Trust the sacred concealment that holds your potential.


In the Dance of Shadow and Light,

Tiff 💕